2021 Web Design in Liverpool – A Year in Review.
Every year we like to look back on the year.
Where we were, where we are.
Past projects & clients.
What goals did we hit, what did we miss?
How about you where were you a year ago?
How was 2021 for you and your business?
As a web design agency based in Liverpool we work with clients and customers all over the world. It is always interesting to get feedback from the community and what people thought about their year.
Was it a year that lived up to your expectations or was there too much hype, did your business thrive or not?
How do you see the future shaping up in 2022?
Let us know!
Last year we worked on 491 projects
That’s 1.3 projects a day.
9.4 projects a week
or 40 projects per month.
Some of these projects were small fixes, maintenance or minor tweaks others were full website build, SEO and massive a few massive multi-site builds.
An amazing thank you to our team! We could have done it without you.
And thank you to all our amazing clients we look forward to supporting you in 2022.