Ready to hire Marketing the Change…
…We’re glad that you’re considering us!
We have worked with a lot of clients over the years and here are a few things we ask from you before we start. This is what we want you to know before you start and what matters.
Know Thy Self
When we work with you we ask that you have your goals in mind. Were not saying you have to have everything in figured out but know what success looks like and have some SMART goals so we can better help you.
Know Thy Audience
Who are you reaching? It's a simple question but it affects everything you do. If you don't know, we would ask you to spend some time thinking about your ideal customers or clients are. Your audience is a key factor in website content, design, and implementation.
Know Our Worth
We take pride in our work so we don't cut corners or build shabby projects. It won't cost you an arm and a leg but you do need to have some budget to help us get the best results
Time Matters
We understand that your website or digital marketing is not your main focus. That's why you're talking to us, but we do expect deadlines to be met and be able to have a single point of contact to be able to check information.
Passion Matters
Not all business are in the category of "fun" or "high octane" thrills and that's ok, but we want to work with people who are excited about their business and their impact on the world, whatever they do.
Integrity Matters
We ask that you're honest. If you break something as you're clicking around your new site or forget to mention something in a discovery call that is key to your marketing, talk to us. We may surprise you.