Why It’s Important to Show Products the Right Way

When you start with WooCommerce, it has a certain way of showing products. Here’s what it looks like:

  • It displays 16 products.
  • These products are in 4 rows and 4 columns.

But here’s the thing: how you show your products can make a big difference. Here’s why:

  • Making Your Store Look Good: If your store looks neat and organized, people will enjoy shopping more. They can find what they want quickly.
  • Helping Customers: Some customers might want to see more products at once, while others might want to see fewer. With the right setup, you can let them choose.
  • Better Shopping Experience: A well-organized shop page can make shopping easier and more fun. This might even make people want to buy more!

So, using tools like WooCommerce, you can make your shop page look just the way you want. And when your store looks good and works well, it’s a win-win for everyone. You’re happy because you’re selling products, and your customers are happy because they’re finding what they want.

Remember, the way you show your products is like the window display in a real store. If it looks good and shows off the best products, more people will come in and shop. So, take some time to think about how you want to display products in your online store. It’s worth it!

Remove pagination on a WooCommerce shop page.

To remove pagination on a WooCommerce shop page, you can use a combination of custom CSS and a filter hook in your theme’s functions.php file.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Using Custom CSS:
    Add the following CSS to your theme’s stylesheet to hide the pagination:
.woocommerce nav.woocommerce-pagination {
    display: none !important;
  1. Using a Filter Hook:
    Add the following PHP code to your theme’s functions.php file to remove the pagination functionality:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_pagination_args', 'custom_remove_pagination' );

function custom_remove_pagination( $args ) {
    $args['total'] = 1;
    return $args;

This filter modifies the pagination arguments to make WooCommerce think there’s only one page, effectively removing the pagination.

Remember to always backup your theme or use a child theme when making changes to the functions.php file to avoid any potential issues.

Offsetting the pagination on a WooCommerce shop page.

If you want to offset the pagination on a WooCommerce shop page, it means you want to skip a certain number of products on the first page and start displaying from the next product. This can be achieved by modifying the query that WooCommerce uses to fetch products.

Here’s how you can offset the pagination:

  1. Using a Filter Hook:
    Add the following PHP code to your theme’s functions.php file:
add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', 'custom_offset_woocommerce_pagination' );

function custom_offset_woocommerce_pagination( $query ) {
    // If not on shop or a product category/archive page, return
    if ( ! is_shop() && ! is_product_category() ) return;

    // Define the number of products to offset
    $offset = 5; // Change this to the number of products you want to offset

    // If on the first page, adjust the query
    if ( ! is_paged() ) {
        $query->set( 'offset', $offset );
    } else {
        // If on other pages, adjust the post offset
        $posts_per_page = $query->get( 'posts_per_page' );
        $query->set( 'offset', ( ( get_query_var('paged') - 1 ) * $posts_per_page ) + $offset );

This code checks if you’re on the shop or product category page. If you’re on the first page, it offsets the products by the number you define. If you’re on subsequent pages, it adjusts the offset accordingly.

Remember to always backup your theme or use a child theme when making changes to the functions.php file to avoid any potential issues.

Product-per-page selectors

WooCommerce has a cool feature called product-per-page selectors. What’s that? It’s a tool that lets you and your shoppers choose how many products they want to see on one page. Here’s what you can do with it:

  • Enabling: Turn it on so it’s available for your shoppers.
  • Placements: Decide where this tool shows up on your page. Maybe at the top? Or the bottom? Or both!

Customizing columns on shop pages

Ever walked into a store and noticed how products are arranged? Online stores can do that too! With WooCommerce, you can change how products line up on your shop page. Here’s how:

  • Adjusting the layout: Maybe you want 3 products in a row, or 5. You can choose and make your store look just right.

Changing the number of columns on a WooCommerce shop page can be achieved by using a filter hook. By default, WooCommerce displays products in a 3-column layout on the shop page. However, you can easily modify this to fit your needs.

Here’s how you can change the number of columns on the WooCommerce shop page:

  1. Using a Filter Hook:
    Add the following PHP code to your theme’s functions.php file:
// Change number of product columns on the WooCommerce shop page
add_filter('loop_shop_columns', 'custom_loop_columns', 999);

function custom_loop_columns() {
    return 4; // Change this number to set your desired number of columns

In the above code, the number 4 represents the number of columns. You can change this to any number you desire.

  1. Adjusting CSS (if necessary):
    Depending on your theme, you might also need to adjust some CSS to ensure the products display correctly in the new column layout. For example, if you change to a 4-column layout, you might add:
.woocommerce ul.products li.product, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product {
    width: 24%; // Adjust this based on your desired column count and spacing
    clear: none !important;

Add this CSS to your theme’s stylesheet or in the Customizer’s Additional CSS section.

Remember, always backup your theme or use a child theme when making changes to the functions.php file or stylesheets to avoid any potential issues.

Setting default product displays

When someone visits your store for the first time, how many products should they see? That’s where default product displays come in. It’s like setting up a welcome mat for your shoppers. Here’s more about it:

  • Importance of a default setting: It’s your store’s first impression. Make it count!
  • How to adjust: With the plugin, you can easily pick the number of products you want to show up first.

Cookie integration

Cookies aren’t just yummy treats. In the online world, a cookie remembers things for you. For your store, it can remember how many products a shopper wants to see. This makes shopping easier and faster for them. Here’s why it’s cool:

  • Remembering user preferences: If a shopper chooses to see 10 products, the website will remember that for next time. So, they don’t have to pick again.

Benefits of the plugin

So, why use the WooCommerce Product Per Page Plugin? Here are some big reasons:

  • Better Shopping: Shoppers can see products the way they like.
  • Looks Good: Your store can look neat and organized.
  • Easy to Use: With just a few clicks, you can set up your store just right.

Remember, a happy shopper is more likely to buy something. And with these features, you’re making your store a fun place to shop!

WooCommerce Product Per Page Plugin

This plugin has some awesome features that make your shop page even better:

  • Product-per-page selectors: This lets you and your customers choose how many products to see on one page.
    • You can decide where this option shows up on your page.
  • Customizing columns: You can change how products are lined up on your shop page. Maybe you want 5 products in a row instead of 4. You can do that!
  • Setting default product displays: This means deciding how many products show up when someone first visits your store. It’s good to have a starting point, but customers can change it if they want.
  • Cookie integration: This is a cool feature. If a customer chooses to see 10 products on a page, the website will remember that choice for next time. This way, customers don’t have to keep picking their favorite settings.
  • Benefits of the plugin: Using this plugin can:
    • Make your website easier and more fun to use.
    • Help customers see more products.
    • Make your store look really professional.

How to Use the WooCommerce Product Per Page Plugin

Here’s a simple guide to get started:

  1. Downloading and Installing the Plugin: First, you need to get the plugin and add it to your WooCommerce store.
  2. Configuring the Plugin Settings: Once you have the plugin, there are settings you can change to make it work best for your store.
  3. Setting Product Display Options: This is where you decide how many products show up on a page. Maybe you want 8, or 12, or 20. It’s up to you!
  4. Adjusting Default Product Display: Decide how many products you want to show up when someone first visits your store. This is the starting point, but remember, customers can change it.
  5. Customizing Column Layout: Decide how many products you want in one row. Maybe you want 3 products in a row, or 5. You can choose!
  6. Saving Settings and Previewing: After you’ve made all your choices, save them. Then, check out your shop page to see how it looks. If you like it, great! If not, you can always make more changes.

How do I set product per page in WooCommerce? In WooCommerce, setting the number of products on a page is easy. Go to your WooCommerce settings. Find the “Products” section. There, you’ll see an option for “Products per Page.” Just type in the number you want, and save. Now, your shop will show that many products on one page!

How do I show more products per page in WooCommerce? Want to show more items on one page? No problem! Head to your WooCommerce settings. Look for “Products per Page” under the “Products” section. Increase the number, hit save, and you’re done. More products will now show up on each page.

How do I add custom pagination to WooCommerce shop page? Pagination is about splitting products over different pages. In WooCommerce, you can customize this. Go to your theme’s settings. Find the “Pagination” option. Here, you can choose how products are divided and how the page numbers look. Adjust, save, and check out your new shop page look!

How do I order a product on a category page in WooCommerce? Ordering products in a category is simple. When adding or editing a product in WooCommerce, find the “Order” box. Type in a number. Lower numbers show up first. So, if you type “1”, that product will be the first in its category. Save your changes, and you’re set!

Josh Morley

I have been designing & marketing websites since 2013. I specialize not just in WordPress web design but also in online marketing. SEO, PPC, keyword research, link-building and most recently on lead acquisition for local businesses.

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